For users in Singapore: Please see the Singapore Addendum to the Evooq Privacy Notice for information regarding Evooq’s privacy practices required under the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”) and the Do Not Call (“DNC”) Registry.

What is this Privacy notice about?

Evooq SA (also “Evooq”, “we”, “us”) collects and processes personal data that concern you but also other individuals (“third parties”). We use the word “data” here interchangeably with “personal data”.

In this Privacy notice, we describe what we do with your data when you use, our other websites or apps, including (collectively “website”), obtain services or products from us, interact with us in relation to a contract, communicate with us or otherwise deal with us. When appropriate we will provide a just-in-time notice to cover any additional processing activities not mentioned in this Privacy notice. In addition, we may inform you about the processing of your data separately, for example in consent forms, terms and conditions, additional privacy notices, forms and other notices.

If you disclose data to us or share data with us about other individuals, we assume that you are authorized to do so and that the relevant data is accurate. When you share data about others with us, you confirm that. Please make sure that these individuals have been informed about this Privacy notice.

This Privacy notice is aligned with the Swiss Data Protection Act (“DPA”) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). However, the application of these laws depends on each individual case.

Who is the controller for processing your data?

Evooq SA, Rue de Romont 24, 1700 Fribourg, is the controller for Evooq’s processing under this Privacy notice, unless we tell you otherwise in an individual case, for example in additional privacy notices, on a form or in a contract. However, unless we tell you otherwise, this Privacy notice also applies where a group company of the EdgEvooq group is the controller, instead of Evooq. This applies, in particular, where your data is processed by a group company in connection with its own legal obligations or contracts or where you share data with such a group company. In these cases, this group company is the controller and only if it shares your data with other group companies for their own processing (see Section 6), will these other group companies also become controllers.

You may contact us for data protection concerns and to exercise your rights under Section 10 as follows:

Evooq SA
Rue de Romont 24
CH-1700 Fribourg

What data do we process?

We process various categories of data about you. The main categories of data are the following:

Technical data: When you use our website or other online offerings, we collect the IP address of your terminal device and other technical data in order to ensure the functionality and security of these offerings. This data includes logs with records of the use of our systems. In order to ensure the functionality of these offerings, we may also assign an individual code to you or your terminal device (for example as a cookie, see Section 12). Technical data as such does not permit us to draw conclusions about your identity. However, technical data may be linked with other categories of data (and potentially with your person) in relation to user accounts, registrations, access controls or the performance of a contract.

Registration data: Certain offerings and services can only be used with a user account or registration, which can happen directly with us or through our third-party login service providers. In this regard you must provide us with certain data, and we collect data about the use of the offering or service.

Communication data: When you are in contact with us via the contact form, by email, telephone, or by letter or other means of communication, we collect the data exchanged between you and us, including your contact details and the metadata of the communication.

Master data: With master data we mean the basic data that we need, in addition to contract data (see below), for the performance of our contractual and other business relationships or for marketing and promotional purposes, such as name and contact details, and information about, for example, your role and function, customer history, powers of attorney, signature authorizations and declarations of consent. We process your master data if you are a business contact or work for one (for example as a contact person of the business partner), or because we wish to address you for our own purposes or for the purposes of a contractual partner (for example as part of marketing and advertising). We receive master data from you (for example as part of a registration), from parties you work for, or from third parties such as contractual partners, associations and address brokers, and from public sources such as public registers or the internet (websites, etc.).

Contract data: This means data that is collected in relation to the conclusion or performance of a contract, for example information about the contracts and the services provided or to be provided, as well as data from the period leading up to the conclusion of a contract, information required or used for performing a contract, and information about feedback. We generally collect this data from you, from contractual partners and from third parties involved in the performance of the contract, but also from third-party sources and from public sources.

Other data: We also collect data from you in other situations. For example, data that may relate to you (such as files, evidence, etc.) is processed in relation to administrative or judicial proceedings. We may obtain or create photos, videos and sound recordings in which you may be identifiable (for example at events, with security cameras, etc.). We may also collect data about who enters certain buildings, and when or who has access rights (including in relation to access controls, based on registration data or lists of visitors, etc.), who participates in events or campaigns and who uses our infrastructure and systems and when.

Much of the data set out in this Section 3 is provided to us by you (through forms, when you communicate with us, in relation to contracts, when you use the website, etc.). If you wish to enter into contracts with us or use our services, you must also provide us with certain data, in particular master data, contract data and registration data, as part of your contractual obligation under the relevant contract. When using our website, the processing of technical data cannot be avoided.

As far as it is not unlawful we may also collect data from public sources or receive data from other companies, from public authorities and from other third parties.

For what purposes do we process your data?

We process your data for the purposes explained below. Further information is set out in Section 11. These purposes and their objectives represent our and potentially of third parties interests. You can find further information on the legal basis of our processing in Section 5.

We process your data for purposes related to communication with you, in particular in relation to responding to inquiries and the exercise of your rights (Section 10) and to enable us to contact you in case of queries. For this purpose, we use in particular communication data and master data. We keep this data to document our communication with you, for training purposes, for quality assurance and for follow-up inquiries.

We process data for the conclusion, administration and performance of contractual relationships.

We process data for marketing purposes and relationship management, for example to send our customers and other contractual partners personalized advertising for products and services from us and from third parties. This may happen in the form of newsletters and other regular contacts, through channels for which we have contact information from you, but also as part of marketing campaigns. You can object to such contacts at any time (see at the end of this Section 4) or refuse or withdraw consent to be contacted for marketing purposes.

We further process your data for market research, to improve our services and operations, and for product development.

We may also process your data for security and access control purposes.

We process personal data to comply with laws, directives and recommendations from authorities and internal regulations (“Compliance”).

We also process data for the purposes of our risk management and as part of our corporate governance, including business organization and development.

We may process your data for further purposes, for example as part of our internal processes and administration.

On what basis do we process your data?

Where we ask for your consent for certain processing activities, we will inform you separately about the relevant processing purposes. You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future; see our contact details in Section 2. For withdrawing consent for online tracking, see Section 11. Where you have a user account, you may also withdraw consent or contact us also through the relevant website or other service, as applicable. Once we have received notification of withdrawal of consent, we will no longer process your information for the purpose(s) you consented to, unless we have another legal basis to do so. Withdrawal of consent does not, however, affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to withdrawal.

Where we do not ask for consent for processing, the processing of your personal data relies on the requirement of the processing for initiating or performing a contract with you (or the entity you represent) or on our or a third-party legitimate interest in the particular processing, in particular in pursuing the purposes and objectives set out in Section 4 and in implementing related measures. Our legitimate interests also include compliance with legal regulations, insofar as this is not already recognized as a legal basis by applicable data protection law (for example in the case of the DPA, Swiss law and in the case of the GDPR, the laws in the EEA).

With whom do we share your data?

In relation to our contracts, the website, our services and products, our legal obligations or otherwise with protecting our legitimate interests and the other purposes set out in Section 4, we may disclose your personal data to third parties, in particular to the following categories of recipients:

Group companies: Our group companies [Edge Laboratories SA, Evooq Singapore Pte. Ltd., Edge Laboratories Pte. Ltd.] may use the data according to this Privacy notice including the Singapore addendum for the same purposes as we use it (see Section 4).

Service providers: We work with service providers in Switzerland and abroad who process your data on our behalf or as joint controllers with us or who receive data about you from us as separate controllers.

Authorities: We may disclose personal data to agencies, courts and other authorities in Switzerland and abroad if we are legally obliged or entitled to make such disclosures.

Other persons: This means other cases where interactions with third parties follow from the purposes set out in Section 4.

All these categories of recipients may involve third parties, so that your data may also be disclosed to them. We can restrict the processing by certain third parties (for example IT providers), but not by others (for example authorities).

Is your personal data disclosed abroad?

As explained in Section 6, we disclose data to other parties. These are not all located in Switzerland. Your data may therefore be processed in Switzerland, in the EU and in Singapore; in exceptional cases, in any country in the world.

If a recipient is located in a country without adequate statutory data protection, we require the recipient to undertake to comply with data protection (for this purpose, we use the revised European Commission’s standard contractual clauses, which can be accessed here:, unless the recipient is subject to a legally accepted set of rules to ensure data protection and unless we cannot rely on an exception. An exception may apply for example in case of legal proceedings abroad, but also in cases of overriding public interest or if the performance of a contract requires disclosure, if you have consented or if data has been made available generally by you and you have not objected against the processing.

Please note that data exchanged via the internet is often routed through third countries. Your data may therefore be sent abroad even if the sender and recipient are in the same country.

How long do we process your data?

The length of time for which data is stored depends on the purpose for which it is to be used. Data is retained only for as long as is commercially necessary and proportionate. Data that Evooq is required by law to retain for a certain period of time (e.g. as a result of documentation and retention obligations for accounting or tax records) is retained for at least the statutory retention period.

If there are no contrary legal or contractual obligations, we will delete or anonymize your data once the storage or processing period has expired as part of our usual processes.

How do we protect your data?

We take appropriate security measures in order to maintain the required security of your personal data and ensure its confidentiality, integrity and availability, and to protect it against unauthorized or unlawful processing, and to mitigate the risk of loss, accidental alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access. We will retain your personal information for the length of time needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy notice unless a longer retention period is requested or permitted by law.

What are your rights?

To help you control the processing of your personal data, you have the following rights in relation to our data processing, depending on the applicable data protection law:

  • The right to request information from us as to whether and what data we process from you;
  • The right to have us correct data if it is inaccurate;
  • The right to request erasure of data;
  • The right to request that we provide certain personal data in a commonly used electronic format or transfer it to another controller;
  • The right to withdraw consent, where our processing is based on your consent;
  • The right to receive, upon request, further information that is helpful for the exercise of these rights.

If you wish to exercise the above-mentioned rights in relation to us, please contact us in writing, at our premises or, unless otherwise specified or agreed, by email; you will find our contact details in Section 2. In order for us to be able to prevent misuse, we need to identify you (for example by means of a copy of your ID card, unless identification is possible otherwise).

Please note that conditions, exceptions or restrictions apply to these rights under applicable data protection law (for example to protect third parties or trade secrets). We will inform you accordingly where applicable.

If you do not agree with the way we handle your rights or with our data protection practices, please let us know. If you are located in Switzerland, the EEA or the United Kingdom, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority in your country.

Do we use online tracking?

We use various techniques on our websites that allow us and third parties engaged by us to recognize you during your use of our websites, and possibly to track you across several visits. This Section informs you about this.

In essence, we wish to distinguish access by you (through your system) from access by other users, so that we can ensure the functionality of the websites and carry out analysis and personalization. We do not intend to determine your identity, even if that is possible where we or third parties engaged by us can identify you by combination with registration data. However, even without registration data, the technologies we use are designed in such a way that you are recognized as an individual visitor each time you access the websites and platforms, for example by our server (or third-party servers) that assign a specific identification number to you or your browser (so-called “cookie”).

Please refer to each cookie description for their specific retention periods. For your information, we use two different types of cookies: session cookies that are temporary and expire once you close your browser or when your session ends, and persistent cookies that remain on your hard drive until you or your browser erase them, depending on the cookie’s expiration date.

We use these technologies on our websites and may allow certain third parties to do so as well. You can also set your browser to block or deceive certain types of cookies or alternative technologies, or to delete existing cookies. You can also add software to your browser that blocks certain third-party tracking. You can find more information on the help pages of your browser (usually with the keyword “Privacy”) or on the websites of the third parties set out below.

We distinguish the following categories of “cookies” (including other technologies such as fingerprinting):

Necessary cookies: Some cookies are necessary for the functioning of the website or for certain features. For example, they ensure that you can move between pages without losing information that was entered in a form. They also ensure that you stay logged in. These cookies exist temporarily only (“session cookies”). If you block them, the website may not work properly. Other cookies are necessary for the server to store options or information (which you have entered) beyond a session (i.e. a visit to the website) if you use this function (for example language settings, consents, automatic login functionality, etc.).

CookieConsentCookiebotStores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain1 yearNecessary
showSamsungInternetWarningEvooqUsed to identify the browser from which the user is accessing the website and to show a warning message if it is Samsung Internet Browser.PersistentNecessary

Statistics cookies: In order to optimize our website and related offers and to better adapt them to the needs of the users, we use cookies to record and analyze the use of our website, potentially beyond one session. We use third-party analytics services for this purpose.

rc::aGoogleThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.PersistentStatistics
rc::cGoogleThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.SessionStatistics
_ga [x2]GoogleUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.2 yearsStatistics
_ga_# [x2]GoogleUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.2 yearsStatistics
tdGoogleRegisters statistical data on users’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.SessionStatistics

Marketing cookies: We and our advertising partners have an interest in targeting advertising as precisely as possible, i.e. only showing it to those we wish to address. For this purpose, we and our advertising partners – if you consent – use cookies that can record the content that has been accessed. This allows us and our advertising partners to display advertisements that we think will interest you on our website, but also on other websites that display advertisements from us or our advertising partners. If you consent to the use of these cookies, you will be shown related advertisements. If you do not consent to them, you will not see fewer advertisements, but simply any other advertisement.

test_cookieGoogleUsed to check if the user’s browser supports cookies.1 dayMarketing
bcookieLinkedInBrowser Identifier cookie to uniquely identify devices accessing LinkedIn to detect abuse on the platform.1 yearMarketing
bscookieLinkedInUsed for remembering that a logged in user is verified by two factor authentication and has previously logged in.1 yearMarketing
lidcLinkedInTo facilitate data center selection.1 dayMarketing
AnalyticsSyncHistoryLinkedInUsed to store information about the time a sync took place with the lms_analytics cookie.30 daysMarketing
IDEGoogleUsed by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user’s actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser’s ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and presenting targeted ads to the user.1 yearMarketing
pagead/landing [x2]GoogleCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.SessionMarketing
pagead/1p-user-list/#GoogleCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisements. This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.SessionMarketing
_gcl_au [x2]GoogleUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.3 monthsMarketing
li_sugrLinkedInUsed to make a probabilistic match of a user’s identity outside the Designated Countries.3 monthsMarketing
UserMatchHistoryLinkedInUsed for id sync process. It stores the last sync time to avoid repeating the syncing process in a frequent manner.30 daysMarketing
li_gcLinkedInUsed to store consent of guests regarding the use of cookies for non-essential purposes6 monthsMarketing

Can we update this Privacy notice ?

This Privacy notice is not part of a contract with you. We can change this Privacy notice at any time. The version published on this website is the current version.